Valley Life Kids
Guiding children to be rooted in the gospel, helping them live life together, and training them to point others to Jesus.

At Valley Life, we strive to create a safe and fun environment for your children to learn about Jesus on their level. When you arrive on Sunday morning, you will be greeted by one of our amazing Care & Connection leaders who will assist you in checking in your children. We have a Nursery/Preschool room (Birth-4) on the main level. Our Elementary kids (5-3rd Grade) will head downstairs after the opening worship songs of the main service where they will have a great time playing, growing, and learning about Jesus! You can rest easy knowing that all adults who serve in our Kids' Ministry have received background checks, so only trained and pre-selected adults will be with your children.
Kids' ministry is only available during the 9:30am Sunday morning worship service.