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Summer WOrship



We're so glad you're here! Click the link below to follow along with the service in the Bible App. There you will find sermon notes, links to our Connection Card and Prayer request forms, as well as access to many Bible resources throughout the app. 


If you have children ages 0 - 4 yrs, nursery is provided inside the church building. For children ages 5 & up, please feel free pick up a Worship Busy Bag and/or coloring sheets provided on the table. 


Chairs are provided but we do encourage you to bring outdoor/camp chairs and sunscreen while you enjoy the service. 


Back to School Prayer Guide
As a new school year is upon  us, we would like to extend an invitation to you, to join us in prayer for our schools, students, staff, and families of Grand County. The prayer team of the Valley Life family of churches in Fraser and Kremmling, has put together this 7-Day prayer guide to unite us all in common prayer during the first week of the 2024-2025 school year. 

Student Ministry | Every Thursday 7:00-9:00pm
Students 6th-12th grades are invited for fun, games, food, worship, teaching, and small group discussions. Meets every week in the basement of the church through the lower parking lot entrance.  
Back to School Prayer | This Sunday 6:30-7:30pm
Join us this Sunday evening, Aug 25th, for a time of prayer for our students, staff, teachers and families of Grand County. We will have groups gathering in the parking lots of the Fraser Elementary and Middle and High Schools in Granby for a time of prayer over this school year.  


100 Doc Susie Ave

Fraser, CO 80442​


PO Box 58

Fraser, CO 80442



© 2022 by Valley Life Church

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